
Jan 7, 2011

Automatically moving the cell pointer after entering data in Excel 2007

After entering the data and pressing the Enter key, Excel activates the cell that is just below the data entered cell. In other words, when you press the Enter key then by default Excel moves the cell pointer to the next cell down. You can change this setting and make Excel to move to the cell that is to the right or left or top. Perform the following steps to automatically move the cell pointer after pressing the Enter key:
1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the Microsoft Office Button and click Excel Options.
Keyboard shortcut for Excel Options: Press Alt + F + I (Alt F I).
3. From the Excel Options dialog box, click Advanced from the left pane.
4. From the right pane, under Editing options, click the Direction: dropdown down that is just below the After pressing Enter, move selection checkbox.
5. Choose one of the following: Down, Right, Up, Left.
6. Click OK.
As mentioned in the very first sentence that after entering the data and pressing the Enter key, Excel activates the cell that is just below the data entered cell. If Excel does not move the cell direction to right or left or top or bottom then the After pressing Enter, move selection checkbox mentioned in step 4 is not checked. Click the After pressing Enter, move selection checkbox to place a tick mark besides it and click OK.


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